The fun doesn’t stop after our lesson together.

Come dive into these audio supplements for each lesson. Listen to them as many times as you can throughout the week and you will be on your way to reaching your personal Spanish goals.

1. Pronunciación


In Lesson one we covered pronunciation. Remember that the vowels are ALWAYS pronounced the same in Spanish. If you can master these few simple rules, you are capable of pronouncing ANY word in Spanish.

2. Tú y Ud.


There are two words for “you” en Español. Learn and practice the difference between tú y usted and you will know how to address people when talking to them in Spanish either formally or informally.

3. Gustar y Tener


The verbs gustar and tener are essential verbs that are very common in basic conversation. Use the verb gustar (to like / to be pleasing to) to express what you like and don’t like and use the verb tener (to have) to express what you have and don’t have. Turn the verbs into questions and you can ask others with ease what they like and what they have in a conversation.

4. Hay y la familia


The verb “hay” is worth mastering at the start of your learning journey because it so often comes in handy! Hay = there is / there are and can be used in a statement AND asking questions. With a little practice and repetition, you will love incorporating this little three letter verb into your vocabulary. Combine “hay” with la familia vocabulary for some practical application.

5. Vocabulary Words


Use this audio study guide to review and memorize vocabulary words from pages 3-7 in the text book .

6. Adjectives


Adjectives describe nouns and just make the verbal world a more colorful place. Any time you want to describe something or someone you will use an adjective. In Spanish, the adjective goes after the noun and matches gender as well as plural or singular. In time, you will get the hang of it and it will become second nature.

7. Memorize The Adjectives


When you memorize vocabulary, try to focus on being able to produce the Spanish vocabulary word. Use the audio guide to help get more familiar with the words. Repetition is key and it also helps to use the descriptors practically. You will soon see as you learn, you’ll absorb the words and they’ll be stored away in your long-term memory! Use page 10-11 in your textbook for practice in reading, writing and seeing the words.

8. Infinitives and Conjugations


Verbs are the action words. You’ve learned nouns, adjectives and now it is time to take a deeper dive into verbs and get some more formal training. A verb in the root form before it is conjugated to express any tense in time is called an infinitive. In English, we put the word “to” before the infinitive. To run, to eat, to study, to hear are all examples of infinitives. In Spanish infinitives end in AR, ER and IR. Then, just as in English, we change the endings to express what in tense the action is happening!

9. AR, ER, IR Verbs


All infinitives in Spanish either end in AR, ER or IR. We’ll start learning the present tense to talk about what is happening now and then we’ll learn the past and future so we can talk about what happened and what’s going to happen. But, before we move on to conjugating verbs, let’s spend some focused time learning the infinitives! Learning the verbs in their root form is critical because to conjugate in any verb tense, we always come back to start with the root of the verb, the infinitive.

10. La Casa - Rooms, Kitchen, Living Room


Follow along with your vocabulary list in your workbook and listen to the audio to work on learning the rooms in a house and pronouncing and memorizing the most common vocabulary words associated with the kitchen and living room.

11. La Casa - Bedroom, Bathroom, Office


Follow along with your vocabulary list in your workbook and listen to the audio to work on memorizing the most common vocabulary words associated with the bedroom, bathroom and office.

12. Los Números 0-31, 7 Days, 12 Months, 4 Seasons and Holidays


Follow along with the LESSON 9 WORKSHEET in your workbook to hear the pronunciation for the numbers 0-31, the 7 days of the week, 12 months of the year, the 4 seasons and holidays.